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Garden Room Security: What You Need to Know

A garden room has a hoard of benefits. It provides a space where you can be by yourself, or entertain guests. It can be used to store extra pieces of furniture, but can also work as a studio for an artist. It’s an at-home office, but also a great family room. Basically, a garden room can be whatever you want it to be, and while it’s got many benefits, it’s also the source of some concern, in regards to safety.

Fern Garden Rooms specialises in the building and security of garden rooms, and this is a question we get a lot – how do I keep my garden room safe?

Since a garden room is basically just another room of your house, but without the added security of the main building, it can be a preferred target for criminals, so what can you do to keep it (as well as yourself) safe?

1.   Install an alarm

Regardless of what you’re planning to do with your garden room (whether it’s going to act as a garden bar or an at-home office), it’s likely that it will store expensive equipment. In which case, you’ll also want to invest in a sturdy, reliable alarm system to watch over your belongings.

Installing an alarm in your garden room comes with a set of benefits. Most of the alarms designed for garden rooms and sheds offer both a motion detector and a siren alarm. The main idea behind the siren alarm is that the sound alone may be enough to deter burglars, since it creates commotion, and makes for a difficult getaway.

Even better, many modern home alarms offer smartphone connectivity, which means you’ll be permanently aware of what’s going on in your garden room.

2.   Cover the windows

A very easy way to decrease the risk of garden room burglary is by concealing any potentially valuable items left on display. Now, in some cases (such as a laptop, for example), that can easily be done by moving the object. But some, like an expensive sound system, are trickier to move.

This is why we recommend that you cover your windows (with window film, shutters, or blinds) to make it more difficult for a burglar to spot expensive items, and be tempted to break in.

3.   Trust in CCTV

Burglars will also look around for a security camera when attempting to break in, and the mere presence of one is sometimes enough to prevent them from trying anything.

Nowadays, installing CCTV is easier than ever before, it just requires an internet connection and electricity. When installing a CCTV camera to monitor your garden room, you’ll want to invest in one with night vision, to make surveillance as easy as possible.

4.   Put up a lock

The last, yet the most obvious security move – invest in a reliable lock system. Since most basic garden rooms come with plastic windows and basic door locks, they don’t offer much protection, which is why you should discuss safety concerns with the manufacturer while installing the garden room.

Ideally, opt for a multi-lock system, and sturdy, unbreakable windows, if you plan on storing expensive items in your garden room.

Fern Garden Rooms

Cool in the summer & warm in the winter, use your garden room all year round.

Fern Garden Rooms

We can custom build your internal features such as Bench Seating, Bars and much more

Fern Garden Rooms

Need a WC in your garden room?
We can install cassette toilets to fully plumbed solutions.

Fern Garden Rooms

We can install paving around your garden room and even a path from the house should you wish.

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